
It’s called ‘My Lagos,’ but only partly because it is my view of the city. It comes mostly from the interviews I conducted with the subjects of my portraits. I asked them to describe what Lagos meant to them, and they would answer, ‘My Lagos is. …’ Their quotations in the book and their portraits connect us, in a small way, to a people most readers will never meet, and through them we experience a piece of a place most will never visit.”

Robin Hammond’s ‘My Lagos’ introduces us to the color, energy and chaos of Africa’s largest city. Full bleed color photographs take us on a journey through bustling Lagos streets and into the homes of the rich, poor, and rising middle class. ‘My Lagos’ opens our eyes to an Africa rarely seen in western media.

Placed over and between these views of Lagos is a series of large format Polaroid portraits accompanied by quotes from the sitters themselves. A businessman, an actor, a fisherman, a pastor, a prostitute speak of their hopes and dreams in this city of strivers.

‘My Lagos’ has been described as intense and bold. Much like the city itself.

The dust jacket is a fold Nollywood poster from the movies cinema, fold by hand one by one

Good to know :

  • Each book is unique

  • Limited edition 535/600

  • 68 pages - Edition Bessard, 2016

  • Texts in English

  • An original Nollywood film poster wraps this beautifully designed book delivering an authentic piece of the city to the audience.

  • Please note that all books are covered with different Nollywood Poster by the artist, making each book unique

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